Monday, July 12, 2010

Mixed Happyness and Sadness

Hi! NhuNhuCoockie & Scrubbinator are now a couple!
lets celabrate and lets toast our glasses for long relationship
and luckyness and more babys and roamntic honeymoon!

Btw.... I just have to say srry to buddys cuz i just left them in LaTale
i know some ppl cares for it some not.. but its okay for me ... well...
ill tell you why im gonna quit OGP LaTale... the reasons
1.I cannot level
2.Im broke
3.Im bored
4.I have to follow the storyline of Latale
5.Some ppl think im weird ..
6.Im tired just chat and sitting
Well anywayz.. I just downloaded the European LaTale and it was fun!
i played with my sis Blondygirl we chatted, and i met new faces !
and i got gewd connection there! so.. thumbs up! it will be continued!